Thursday, December 4

Well. What can I say?
My body isn't kickin this keeps going from stage to stage...right now I'm in the thick mucus stage--as in, the antihistamines have dried my body out so that the mucus in my bronchial tubes has become thicker and I can't cough it up. I've tried everything: expactorant, a bath, turning the shower on HOT-AS-HELL and breathing in the steam, back percussions, hacking....nothing has gotten it up. And now I think I'm getting some fluid in my ears. And I have a constant headache. The only change is that my sinus cavities aren't waiting to explode and I can partially breathe through my nostrils.
Not sexy.

I AM SO BORED. I have nothing to do during the day except sleep. I went to bed last night at 1:00 AM and woke up at 10:00 AM...then I took a nap from 3:00 PM-5:00 PM.

This isn't exactly an exciting post. I just wanted to keep the likes of Teresa and Liz informed so they don't think I'm on my death bed or faking, for that matter. But because of the lack of human contact, it would make me deliriously happy if someone would leave me some comments. ^^

It's snooooooowiiiiing! And it's beau-ti-ful!